Anonymer Spieler /
Schweiz (CH)
11.10.2024 | AZ Poker Club Bern - Neu! Freitag Special Rebuy Turnier! | 1. Rang | 50+15 |
20.08.2024 | AZ Poker Club Bern - Dienstag Special ReBuy Monster Stack | 2. Rang | 50+15 |
19.07.2024 | Another Poker Basel - Friday Night Poker | 2. Rang | 100+30 |
18.07.2024 | Another Poker Basel - The Small Fish | 2. Rang | 45+15 |
08.09.2023 | Another Poker Basel - Friday Night Poker | 1. Rang | 100+30 |
02.06.2023 | Another Poker Basel - Time Poker Tournament NL Holdem | 2. Rang | 100+30 |
29.12.2022 | Another Poker Basel - Progressive Bounty Hunter | 7. Rang | 60+40 |
28.12.2022 | Another Poker Basel - The Big Fish | 6. Rang | 100+30 |
23.12.2022 | Another Poker Basel - Black Friday | 10. Rang | 100+30 |
11.03.2022 | Another Poker Basel - Friday Night Poker | 4. Rang | 100+30 |